Mentorship & Outreach
Talks, internal & external
Communicating science is a really critical part of what ecologists and conservationists do, but is sometimes overlooked. Since 2021, I've given multiple talks, both internally at the UNiversity and externally, each year. I find this part of the job really rewarding, especially with the younger audiences whose imaginations and creativity are such a marvel to see.
I've given talks on a variety of topics, to list a few:
shark biology for an elementary/primary school setting
my own research for college aged students, academic conferences in the UK and Europe, and in University settings
my experiences as a disabled female in STEM
new ecology techniques and methods in an academic setting - both those which are novel to me and those which I practice reguarly, e.g. eDNA and Bayesian modeling
I've given virtual and in-person international and UK/Europe talks - I don't think education or knowledge should have national boundaries so I'm happy to discuss how we can bring shark science and marine ecology to your setting regardless of your geography. If you'd like to enquire about an in-person or virtual talk, please contact me through the Contact page.
MSc thesis supervision
In 2022, 2023, and 2024, I have offered opportunities for MSc postgraduates to do their dissertation with me in collaboration with my supervisor Dr. Richard Sherley. Students have the opportunity to work with a variety of data types from acoutsitc telemetry of sharks through to molecular eDNA analyses.
Undergraduate thesis supervision
In 2021, 2022, and 2023, I have offered opportunities for undergradates to do their final year dissertation with me, in collaboration with Dr. Richard Sherley. The students are given a data set and we develop a research question, and data anlysis plan. We then guide them through the scientific process, all the way to their final report. Students here have investigated accelerometry signatures and differences in detection between methodological apparatus.
ASAB Mentorship Scheme
Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.
Mentor and Mentee, 2021/22 Scheme
In my role as a mentor, I have developed some resources that are free to use. If you think you would like to have access to these please email me! I'm happy to send them along.
Topics include:
Funding - what is it and where to find it (pre-PhD, and PhD specific)
Science communications